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Angelina Jolie urodziła się w Los Angeles, jest córką aktorów Marcheline Bertrand i Jona Voighta. Jej bratem jest James Haven, a rodzicami chrzestnymi Jacqueline Bisset i Maximilian Schell. Mając 14 lat, Jolie zaczęła pracować jako modelka dla agencji Finesse Model Management, dzięki czemu pojawiła się na wybiegach w Los Angeles, Nowym Jorku i Londynie. Wkrótce potem wystąpiła w kilku teledyskach Meat Loafa ("Rock and Roll Dreams Come Through"), Antonella Venditti ("Alta Marea"), Lenny'ego Kravitza ("Stand by My Woman") i The Lemonheads ("It's About Time"). Gdy skończyła 16 lat wróciła do teatru, gdzie zagrała swoją pierwszą rolę.
28 marca 1996 roku Angelina poślubiła brytyjskiego aktora Jonny'ego Lee Millera, którego poznała rok wcześniej na planie filmu Hakerzy (1995). Podczas ceremonii ślubnej ubrana była w czarne, skórzane spodnie i białą koszulkę, na której własną krwią wypisała imię pana młodego[49]. W następnym roku Jolie i Miller przeszli w stan separacji, a 3 lutego 1999 wzięli rozwód.
Niespełna rok później, 5 maja 2000 roku, Jolie wyszła za aktora Billy'ego Boba Thorntona, którego poznała podczas kręcenia zdjęć do filmu Zmęczenie materiału (1999). W wyniku częstych deklaracji namiętnej miłości i publicznego jej okazywania poprzez noszenie na szyi flakoników z krwią partnera, związek obojga aktorów stał się jednym z ulubionych tematów prasy brukowe]. Jolie i Thornton rozwiedli się 27 maja 2003 roku. Mający początek w 2005 roku związek aktorki z Bradem Pittem stał się jednym z najczęściej opisywanych tematów w światowej prasie plotkarskiej.
Obecnie Jolie jest jedną z najlepiej rozpoznawalnych na świecie gwiazd Hollywood. Według badań Q score po otrzymaniu Oscara w 2000 Angelinę rozpoznawało około 31% Amerykanów, w 2006 natomiast było to już 81% respondentów. W 2006 badania marketingowe firmy ACNielsen, przeprowadzone w 42 państwach, wykazały, że Angelina Jolie i Brad Pitt są w opinii przedsiębiorstw z całego świata najbardziej pożądanymi promotorami ich marek i produktów.

Odpowiedź :

Angelina Jolie was born in Los Angeles, is the daughter of actors Marcheline Bertrand and Jon Voight. Her brother James Haven is a parent
godparents Jacqueline Bisset and Maximilian Schell. Age 14, Jolie began working as a model for Finesse Model Management agency, so that appeared on the runway in Los Angeles, New York and London. Shortly thereafter, appeared in several music videos including Meat Loaf ( "Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through"), Antonello Venditti ( "Alta Marea"), Lenny Kravitz ( "Stand by My Woman") and The Lemonheads ( "It's About Time"). When she was 16 years returned to the theater, where he played his first role.
28 March 1996 Angelina married British actor Jonny Lee Miller, whom she met a year earlier on the set of
Hackers (1995). During the wedding ceremony was dressed in black leather pants and a white shirt on which his blood had written the name of the groom [49]. The next year, Jolie and Miller went into a state of separation, February 3, 1999 and divorced.
Less than a year later, on May 5, 2000, Jolie married actor Billy Bob Thornton, whom she met while shooting
the movie Pushing Tin (1999). As a result of frequent declarations of passionate love and its public presentation of such by wearing the neck bottles with the blood of a partner, both their relationship became one of the favorite topics of the press Sidewalk]. Jolie and Thornton divorced on May 27, 2003. Beginning with the 2005 relationship with actress Brad Pitt became one of the most commonly reported themes in the gossipy world's press.
Jolie is currently one of the world's most recognizable stars of Hollywood. According to studies, Q score after receiving the Oscar in 2000, Angelina recognize about 31% of Americans, while in 2006 it was already 81% of respondents. In 2006, marketing research firm
ACNielsen, conducted in 42 countries, showed that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are in the opinion of companies around the world's most desirable brands and promoters of their products.
Angelina Jolie was born in Los Angeles, is the daughter of actors Marcheline Bertrand and Jon Voight. Her brother is James Haven, and godparents Jacqueline Bisset and Maximilian Schell. Age 14, Jolie began working as a model for Finesse Model Management agency, so that appeared on the runway in Los Angeles, New York and London. Shortly thereafter, appeared in several music videos including Meat Loaf ( "Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through"), Antonello Venditti ( "Alta Marea"), Lenny Kravitz ( "Stand by My Woman") and The Lemonheads ( "It's About Time"). When she was 16 years returned to the theater, where he played his first role.
28 March 1996 Angelina married British actor Jonny Lee Miller, whom she met a year earlier on the set of Hackers (1995). During the wedding ceremony was dressed in black leather pants and a white shirt on which his blood had written the name of the groom [49]. The next year, Jolie and Miller went into a state of separation, February 3, 1999 and divorced.
Less than a year later, on May 5, 2000, Jolie married actor Billy Bob Thornton, whom she met while shooting the movie Pushing Tin (1999). As a result of frequent declarations of passionate love and its public presentation of such by wearing the neck bottles with the blood of a partner, both their relationship became one of the favorite topics of the press Sidewalk]. Jolie and Thornton divorced on May 27, 2003. Beginning with the 2005 relationship with actress Brad Pitt became one of the most commonly reported themes in the gossipy world's press.
Jolie is currently one of the world's most recognizable stars of Hollywood. According to studies, Q score after receiving the Oscar in 2000, Angelina recognize about 31% of Americans, while in 2006 it was already 81% of respondents. In 2006, marketing research firm ACNielsen, conducted in 42 countries, showed that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are in the opinion of companies around the world's most desirable brands and promoters of their products.