Na jutro. Bardzo prosze o szybkie przetlumaczenie:

Sala sądowa w USA pochodzi wprost od forum rzymskiego. Na forum tym bowiem, przy specjalnym stole i na specjalnym krześle (krzesło kurulne) urzędował pretor ubrany w togę.

Nawiązując do tego wzoru stół sędziowski dużych rozmiarów znajduje się na podwyższeniu, a za nim znajdują się krzesła sędziowskie. Nad stołem sędziowskim wisi godło państwowe, które ma reprezentować majestat USA. Patrząc od godła, z lewej strony stołu sędziowskiego swoje miejsce ma protokolant. Natomiast patrząc w głąb sali, po prawej stronie sędziów znajduje się ława tego, który żąda ochrony prawnej lub o coś wnosi (oskarżyciel, którym nie zawsze musi być prokurator, a także powód czy wnioskodawca), po lewej zaś ława tych, przeciwko którym ma zostać ochrona przydzielona – "broniących się" (oskarżonych czy pozwanych). Ta ostatnia zwana jest potocznie ławą oskarżonych. Przed stołem sędziowskim, między ławami stron, znajduje się pulpit, przed którym zeznają świadkowie. W sali sądowej znajdują się także miejsca dla publiczności.

Odpowiedź :

Courtroom in the U.S. comes directly from the Roman Forum. This forum because, at a special table and a special chair (chair kurulne) officiated praetor dressed in a toga.

Referring to the judge's table model of large size is on the increase, and behind him there are chairs of judges. Above the table hangs the emblem of the state judiciary, which is supposed to represent the majesty of the United States. Looking at the emblem, on the left side of the table to judge its place the recorder. By contrast, looking into the hall, on the right side are the judges of the bench, which requires legal protection or asks for something (the accuser, which may not always be the prosecutor and the plaintiff or applicant), and left the bench, against which it is to be protection granted - "defending" (defendants or defendants). The latter is commonly called the jury of the accused. Before the judge's table, benches between the parties, there is a desktop, before which the witnesses testify. In the courtroom, there are also places for the public.
Courtroom in the U.S. comes directly from the Roman Forum. This forum because, at a special table and a special chair (chair kurulne) officiated praetor dressed in a toga.

Referring to the judge's table model of large size is on the increase, and behind him there are chairs of judges. Above the table hangs the emblem of the state judiciary, which is supposed to represent the majesty of the United States. Looking at the emblem, on the left side of the table to judge its place the recorder. By contrast, looking into the hall, on the right side are the judges of the bench, which requires legal protection or asks for something (the accuser, which may not always be the prosecutor and the plaintiff or applicant), and left the bench, against which it is to be protection granted - "defending" (defendants or defendants). The latter is commonly called the jury of the accused. Before the judge's table, benches between the parties, there is a desktop, before which the witnesses testify. In the courtroom, there are also places for the public.
Judicial hall in USA comes from directly from Roman forum. On forum this as, at special table and on special chair dressed praetor was at the office (chair kurulne) into toga.

Linking to this of example table of judge large sizes is on rise, and behind him judge chairs are. Above judge table it hangs it has national emblem, which to represent majesty of USA. Looking from emblem, on the left judge's table one's place has recorder. However looking into idiot of hall, on the right side of judges it is bench of this, which it demands legal protections or about something it brings in (prosecutor, which no always it has to be procurator, and also ; as well as ; reason whether mover), after left meanwhile bench this, against which it has to become protection assigned – "defending oneself" (accused whether defendants). This last called is bench of accused commonly. In front of judge table, between benches of sides, writing-desk is, in front of which witnesses will witness. In judicial hall places for the public are also.