
Musisz isc w dol do szatni, nastepnie pojsc w lewo gdzie sa schody. Wejdz tymi schodami na 3 pietro a nastepnie skrec w prawo. Tam jest sala nr 236.

Prosze aby bylo to poprawnie gramatycznie. Tlumaczenie nie musi byc slowo w slowo ale zeby kazde zdanie przedstawialo to co napisalem:P

Odpowiedź :

You must go down, to changing room, then turn left, where are the stairs. Go this stairs on the third floor and then turn right. This is room numer 236.
You have to go down to the locker room, then go left where the stairs are. Enter the stairs on the third floor and turn right .This is room numer 236.

You have to go down to the locker room, then go left where the stairs are. Enter the stairs on the 3rd floor and turn right. There is room no 236.