W każdym człowieku są mniejsze lub większe pokłady agresji. Ludzie w różny sposób próbują się rozładować - stawiają na wysiłek fizyczny, udział w jakiejś grze komputerowej lub wyładowanie się podczas gier zespołowych. Paintball nie jest dobrym sposobem na rozładowanie agresji. Z jednej strony wydaje nam się, że możemy sobie ulżyć strzelając w kogoś kulami wypełnionymi farbą - ot, dobra zabawa, która pozwala na wyeliminowanie kogoś z gry, ale z drugiej strony - mało kto zastanawia się nad przekazem tej gry. Jakie narzędzia są nam dane? Pistolet, kulki z farbą i strój ochronny, tak naprawdę strzelamy do drugiego człowieka - ktoś może powiedzieć: "przecież to tylko farba" ale od tego już prosta droga do zmiany pistoletu na kulki na pistolet z ostrą amunicją, która może uszkodzić ciało a nawet zabić. Paintball może nauczyć człowieka jak zabijać - a to akurat nie jest dobry sposób. Ponadto jeśli ktoś, kto chciał się wyładować zostanie od razu wyeliminowany z gry, to pokłady agresji mogą w nim wzrosnąć i cel nie zostanie osiągnięty.

Odpowiedź :

In every human being is more or less aggressive decks. People in different ways trying to unload - to put the physical effort involved in any computer game or unloading during team games. Paintball is not a good way to discharge aggression. On the one hand, it seems to us that we can relieve shooting someone with bullets filled with paint - that is fun, which allows you to eliminate someone from the game, but on the other hand - hardly anyone is considering a transfer of this game. What tools are presented to us? Gun, the paint balls and protective clothing, you really shoot another human being - someone might say, "after all is only paint," but since this has a simple way to change the gun to the balls on a gun with bullets, which can damage the body and even kill . Paintball can teach man how to kill - and that's just not a good way. Also, if someone wanted to unload will be immediately eliminated from the game, the decks of aggression can be increased and the goal is not achieved.
In every human being is more or less aggressive decks. People in different ways trying to unload - to put the physical effort involved in any computer game or unloading during team games. Paintball is not jest good way to discharge aggression. On the one hand, it seems to us that we can relieve shooting someone with bullets filled with paint - that is fun, which allows you to eliminate someone from the game, but on the other hand - hardly anyone zastanawia over the transfer of this game. What tools are presented to us? Gun, the paint balls and protective clothing, you really shoot another human being - someone might say, "after all is only paint," but since this has a simple way to change the pistoletu the ball on the gun with bullets, which can damage the body and even kill. Paintball can teach man how to kill - and that's just not a good way. Also, if someone wanted to unload will be immediately eliminatedrate classes instruments denominated in the game, the decks of aggression can be increased and the goal is not achieved.
In every human being is more or less aggressive decks. People in different ways trying to unload - to put the physical effort involved in any computer game or unloading during team games. Paintball is not a good way to discharge aggression. On the one hand, it seems to us that we can relieve shooting someone with bullets filled with paint - that is fun, which allows you to eliminate someone from the game, but on the other hand - hardly anyone is considering a transfer of this game. What tools are presented to us? Gun, the paint balls and protective clothing, you really shoot another human being - someone might say, "after all is only paint," but since this has a simple way to change the gun to the balls on a gun with bullets, which can damage the body and even kill . Paintball can teach man how to kill - and that's just not a good way. Also, if someone wanted to unload will be immediately eliminated from the game, the decks of aggression can be increased and the goal is not achieved.