Proszę o przetłumaczenie mi tekstu z j.polskiego na j.angielski:

Cześć Tom!
Wczoraj byłem w supermarkecie i zobaczyłem coś strasznego. Wszyscy zostali ewakuowani ze sklepu.

Dowiedziałem się, że chodzi o napad na sklep. Byłem świadkiem rabunku. Dwóch zamaskowanych mężczyzn napadło na sklep i wykradli wszystkie snikersy.

Nie życzę Ci tego, ponieważ nie jest to przyjemne uczucie być ewakuowanym.

Odpowiedź :

Hallo Tomek!! Yesterday I was in the supermarket and I saw something terrible.

Everyone were evacuated from the shop. I learnt that it concerned the verbal assault on the shop.

I was a witness of the robbery. Two masked men attacked the shop and they stole away all snikersy.

I don't wish you it, since this pleasant emotion isn't to be evacuated. I am greeting
Hello Tom!
I was in the supermarket yesterday and I saw something terrible. Everybody was evacuated from this shop.

I found out, that it was the mugging. I was a witness of robbery. The two masked men mugged the supermarket and stole all the snickers.

I don't wish it to you, becouse this isn't a pleasant feeling to be avacuated.
Best wishes.
Hello Tom!
Yesterday I was in the supermarket and I saw something terrible. All were evacuated from the store.

I learned that it was the attack on the shop. I witnessed the robbery. Two masked men attacked a shop and stole all snikers.I wish you this because it is not a pleasant feeling to be evacuated.