z tych zdan jak np. jest pytające mam utworzyć przeczenie i twierdzenie a jak np. jest twierdzenie to zdanie pytajace utworzyć i przeczace a jak np. przeczace to utworzyć zdanie twaierdzące i pytające w czasie past simple ;) z tych zdań :

-Where did you go to school, Lindsay?
- What did you do when you left szchool?
- Did you get a job ?
- Yes, I did. I was a waitrees. I went to college too.
-Why did you go to college?
- Bacause I wanted to learn cooking.
- Where did you hear about Fifteen?
- How did you feel when you went to work fot Jamie?
- Nervous! But it was grea!
- I went to the USA for a time , then I came back to Lonndon.

i czy te zdania to też są z past simple czasu jak tak to tez prosze o rozwiazanie ;) :
What' the best thing about cooking ?
It's great when you do things well. I love that feeling.

POMOCY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Odpowiedź :

- I went to school in ....
I didn't go to school in ....
- I went to (piano lesson) when I left school
I didn't go home when I left school
- Yes, I got a job.
No, I didn' get a job
- Were you a waitress? Did you go to college?
No, I didn't. I wasn't waitress. I didn't go to college.
- Why didn't you go to college?
- I didn't want to learn cooking.
Did you want to lern cooking?
- I didn't hear about Fifteen.
I heard about Ffteen in school.
- I felt nervous when I went to work for Jamie.
I didn't feel great when i ....
- It wasn't great.
was it great?
- I didn't go to the Usa for a time, I didn't come back ....
Did you go to usa ..
Did you come back ...?

te drugie zdania nie są w past simple, tylko w present