1. Uzupełnij poniższy tekst brakującymi przedimkami (a/the)gdzie jest to koniecznie lub ‘-‘ jeżeli przedimek nie jest konieczny.
At 1) ____ school we talked about 2)___ ways of making learning easier, and our teacher told us that listening to 3)___ classical music before studying can help. So yesterday I went to 4)___ music shop and bought 5)___ CD with Mozart’s music. 6)___CD was quite expensive but 7)___shop assistant is 8)___ friend of mine and he gave me 9)___discount. when I got home, I turned 10)___ CD on, and started relaxing. When I woke up six hours later, it was too late study. Next time, I’ll just buy something by Delf Leppard or Soundgarden!