List prywatny:
Wracajac z dluzszego pobytu w Oxfordzie zatrzymales sie w hotelu, ktory ktos ci polecil. Niestety warunki w hotelu odbiegaly znacznie od tego czego sie spodziewales. Zredaguj list do znajomych w Oxfordzie:
- Napisz gdzie sie zatrzymales i kto ci polecil to miejsce
- powiedz jakich warunkow sie spodziewales i jak wygladala rzeczywistosc
- opisz swoja reakcje na zle warunki
- powiedz jak przebiegala powrotna podroz do domu i podziekuj im za goscine

Odpowiedź :

Witam Cię .....(Imię)
Niespodziwałam się Takich warunków po tym jak mi poleciłaś. Warunki tam są okropne, Na ścianach wilgoć, na półkach kurz. Łaźenki nie w pokojach ale na korytarzu. Prysznic płatny. Bar, kawiarnia, 15 kilomtrów od hotelu. Szczerze jestem ogromnie rozsmaczona. Niestety, nie wiem nierozumiem może tobie było tam dobrze mi nie. Mamy inny gust. Lub Kierowca limuzym źle mnie dobrowadził. Niestety. Przykro Mi. Po za tym jest świetnie, bawie się niesomowicie. Jest piękna pogoda, słoneczna, gorąca.
Pozdrawiam ...(imię)


I greet you. Name for (after) such conditions ( ) it Niespodziwałam as you have adviced me. There conditions are terrible, wet on walls, dust on shelves. In chambers (peace) not Łaźenki but on corridor. Payable shower. Bar, café, from hotel 15 kilomtrów. I am sincerely hugely rozsmaczona. Unfortunately,, maybe there there was me not know ununderstand well < goods (right) > not. Other taste mum < have >. Or driver evil (poorly) < evil > limuzym dobrowadził. Unfortunately,. Unpleasantly me. There is it for (after) behind (for) excellently, bawie niesomowicie. Weather is beautiful (fine) < beauty >, sunny, hot. I salute. Name ( )

hey ...
right now i am in hotel in small town. there it is a safe bet. i've problem with my room in hotel beacouse terms be in the ascendent there are terrible. the woman that recommend
me this hotel she said that this hotel is fine. i was think that be ok but is not. i don't have TV and hot water - you belive! firt i was wery angry when i seen my room. the service room is snippy and foot it's bad. i hope that i'll don't must stay here in future! my tour was very get past and i so glad. thank you very much for all
returning from Oxford stayed in the hotel which was recommended to me a gentleman arrived at on the way to a small town located gzie had drove into the hotel when the hotel was very nice on the outside of which it expected to have going on I noticed that the threshold standards are not impressive but it is What I saw in my room was appalling walały the garbage everywhere and there was a lot of dust at the beginning I thought it was a joke but then I realized that it was expecting the standard nice-looking outdoor meters that will be in the middle of the same luxury that is beautiful and soft bed. I was furious that you listened on the road and the conditions in the hotel