przetlumacz na j angielski:

Jest godzina 12.40. Pan mlody szykuje sie do slubu.Przyjezdza po niego taksowka i zawozi go na king street. Pan mlody wbiega do kosciola i widzi tam inna panne mloda. Mezczyzna wybiega na ulice i ztrzymuje jadacego motocykliste. On podwozi go na Queen street. Pan mlody dziekuje za pomoc. Jest godzina 1.00.Nazeczeni pobieraja sie.

Bardzo prosze o pomoc;(

Odpowiedź :

It's twelve forty. Groom is preparing for wedding. Taxi is arriving to take him and drives him on King Street. Groom rushes to the church and he is seeing ther another bride. Man rushes on street and stops moving motorcycle. He drives him on Queen Street. Groom thanks for help. It's one o'clock. Fiance marry.

It's 12.40 am. Groom is preparing to the wedding. The cab arrived and take him to the King street. The groom goes into the church and see another bride. Men is running out on the street and stop a man who is driving a motor cycle. He takes the groom to the Queen street. The groom is thanking for a help. It's 1 pm. The fiance are getting married.
What time is 12.40. The bridegroom is preparing to taxi for him slubu.Przyjezdza and Zawozie it on King Street. The groom runs into the church and see where other bride. Man ran into the streets and ztrzymuje motorcycle riding. On the chassis it on Queen street. The groom thank for your help. 1.00.Nazeczeni charging time is August.