napisz długi list miłosny na stronę A5 do ukochanego chłopaka który wyjechał daleko i na długo. wyszukane słownictwo, odpowiednie czasy gramatyczne. okaż w liście tęsknotę, miłość i smutek.

Odpowiedź :

Dear Chad,
Thanks for letter. You can't imagine how much I was happy when I get it.
You aked me if I miss you. Honey, my longing is so huge that I can' stop crying about you. Tears are always on my face and it makes me feel more sad that you're not here. It's awful you can't get your cell phone. I really want to hear yours lovely voice.
My mum aked me today when you come back. She can't stand me when I'm so sad. But it's just so far... I hope this two months pass quickly. I just want to see your sweet face and hug you like never before.
Oh, I'll be forget. Thanks for gif. This teddy bear is cute. I'll give him yours name and I'll be thinking about you always when I'll see him.
Maybe you can drop a line how is there? Is there any fancy palaces? I always dreaming about living with you in a big, romantic palace with our children. Maybe sometime it come true...
I'm crying again. I love you so much and I miss you. Baby, come back to me quick. I'm wonder... Maybe when you back to home I'll take you for a perfect date?
I'm looking foward to hearing from you.
With love