Jaki styl ubierania preferujesz?
Jakie są twoje ulubime ubiory?
Ten stroj nie jest odpowiedni na galę teatralną
Moj styl ubierania nie jest staromodny
Czy twoim zdaniem cechy osobowosci wplywaja na sposob w jaki sie ubieramy?
Z jaka osoba chcialbys dzielic pokoj?
Moi znajomi byli zachwyceni moja nowa fryzura
Moja grupa jezykowa jest bardzo fajna i pomocna
jak sie czulas na spotkaniu z twoim ulubionym aktorem
Nie lubie wspolpracowac z ludzmi nieuczciwymi.

Odpowiedź :

What style of dress do you prefer?
What are your ulubime clothing?
This dress is not suitable for a gala theatrical
My style of dress is not outdated
Do you think your personality traits affect the way in which we dress?
With what a person would like to share a room?
My friends were delighted with my new haircut
My language group is very cool and helpful
how you felt at the meeting with your favorite actor
Not co-operate with people I like unfair.
What style of dress do you prefer?
What are your ulubime clothing?
This stroj is not suitable for a gala theatrical
My style of dress is not outdated
Do you think your personality traits affect the way in which we dress?
With what a person would like to share a room?
My friends were delighted with my new haircut
My language group is very cool and helpful
how you felt at the meeting with your favorite actor
Not co-operate with people I like unfair.
What style of dress do you prefer?
What are your ulubime clothing?
This stroj is not suitable for a gala theatrical
My style of dress is not outdated
Do you think your personality traits affect the way in which we dress?
With what a person would like to share a room?
My friends were delighted with my new haircut
My language group is very cool and helpful
how you felt at the meeting with your favorite actor
Not co-operate with people I like unfair.