Napisz list do kolegi/koleżanki z Irlandii, żeby opowiedzieć o nowym chłopaku/dziewczynie kogoś z grona waszych wspólnych przyjaciół.
1.podziel się nowiną i powiedz, gdzie para się poznała
2.Podaj przynajmniej dwie cechy wyglądu opisywanej osoby
3.Podaj przynajmniej jedną cechę jej/jego charakteru poparta przykładem
4.Wyraź swoją opinię na temat nowego związku i spytaj kolegę/koleżankę o zdanie.

Brak adresów, podpis: XYZ, dł listu 120-150słów

Odpowiedź :

Hi Sarah,

I haven't heard from you for a month... How are you and your parents? And have you passed the exam which you lately wrote me about?

I am writing to you to tell you the news. Our friend Jessica has a new boyfriend named Mike. They met each other at the Nick's party. He came with his sister which is Nick's girlfriend. They danced together, talked and now they are a couple.

Mike is handsome and has beautiful hazel eyes. I like his short dark hair too. He is really responsible and likes children. One day he took care of Sarah's younger sister when she had something important to do.

I think Mike is a nice trustworthy boy and he loves Jessica very much. They are really matching couple. Isn't that amazing? What do you think about that?

Please, write soon