plusy i minusy Unii Europejskiej.
Zdania ludzi na temat Unii Europejskiej sa podzielone. Dla jednych jest ona korzystna, dla drugi wrecz przeciwnie. Plusam Unii jest miedzy innymi to, ze sukcesywnie do kazdego czlonkowskiego panstwa wprowadzana jest taka sama waluta, co pozwala na zakupy w kazdym z tych panstw bez wymieniania pieniedzy w kantorze. Innym moze byc to, ze mieszkancy panstw nalezacych do Uni Europejskiej moga podrózowac bez paszportów i viz. Obcokrajowcy równiez moga uczyc sie i pracowac w danym panstwie bez zadnych problemów. Istnieje równiez dofinansowanie dla rolników czy nowo powstalych przedsiebiorstw.
Minusami natopmiast sa caly czas rosnace ceny produktów zywnosciowych, a brak podwyzek pensji dla pracowników.
Moim zdaniem powinno wprowadzic sie w Unii Europejskiej wiele zmian lecz ciesze sie, ze daje ona wiele mozliwosci mlodym ludziom.

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Opinions the people in the European Union are divided. For some, it is advantageous for second on the contrary. The upside of the Union is among other things, the successive state of each member shall be placed on the same currency, which allows for purchases in each of these countries without mentioning the money in the Kantor. Another may be that the inhabitants of countries belonging to the European Uni can travel without passports and viz. Foreigners also can learn and work in the country without any problems. There is also funding for farmers and fledgling industries.
Minusami natopmiast are still growing food prices and the lack of salary increases for employees.
In my opinion, should enter the European Union in August, many changes but I am pleased that it gives a lot of opportunities for young people.
Opinions the people in the European Union are divided. For some, it is advantageous for second on the contrary. The upside of the Union is among other things, the successive state of each member shall be placed on the same currency, which allows for purchases in each of these countries without mentioning the money in the Kantor. Another may be that the inhabitants of countries belonging to the European Uni can travel without passports and viz. Foreigners also can learn and work in the country without any problems. There is also funding for farmers and fledgling industries.
Minusami natopmiast are still growing food prices and the lack of salary increases for employees.
In my opinion, should enter the European Union in August, many changes but I am pleased that it gives a lot of opportunities for young people.