Odpowiedź :
There are posters above my desk .
On the left side there is a bookcase, on which there is a television.
On the wall there is a big painting
In the middle of the room is laying a big picture.
On the left side there is a bookcase, on which there is a television.
On the wall there is a big painting
In the middle of the room is laying a big picture.
Nad moim biurkiem wiszą plakaty - Above my desk hangs posters
Po lewej stronie jest regał na którym stoi telewizor - On the left is a shelf on which stands tv
Na ścianie wisi duży obraz - On the wall hangs a large picture
Na środku pokoju leży duży obraz - At the middle of the room is a large picture
Po lewej stronie jest regał na którym stoi telewizor - On the left is a shelf on which stands tv
Na ścianie wisi duży obraz - On the wall hangs a large picture
Na środku pokoju leży duży obraz - At the middle of the room is a large picture