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-zaproponuj upominek jaki chcialbys im kupic z polski i zapytaj czy moze woleliby cos innego
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Odpowiedź :

Dear Mr and Mrs Smith,
I would like to thank you very much for your invitation to Australia. I have always dreamt of going there and I will be there in the beginning of June. I can't wait to see your beautiful country.
I was wondering if you could give me some advice concerning the things I should take to Australia. I'm not sure what the weather is like at this time of the year. What kind of weather can I expect? What clother should I pack? I would be grateful it you could give me a few tips.
I want to bring you a souvenir from Poland. I was thinking about a book with fantastic photographs of the most famous Polish places and cities. You could come to Poland one day and see everything yourself. If you want me to bring something else, please let me know.
I'm flying to Sydney on 5th of June. The plane is landing at 3 o'clock pm at the airport. I will be wearing blue jeans, a red jacket, a green neckerchief and I will be carrying a big blue rucksack. I have got blond long hair and I'm wearing glasses.
I'm looking forward to your letter and my stay in Australia.