Four teenage girls are recovering in hospital after their car fell 30 meters off a cliff in California, USA, yesterday. it took emergency services more than four hours to rescue the girls. The 17- years- old driver passed her test yesterday afternoon and took her three friends for a drive in her new car. They went round a sharp corner when suddenly the car left the road and fell of the cliff. The car rolled over twice and landed on its tyres at the cliff bottom.
Policeman, fire fighters, paramedics and a lifeboat crew worked in the dark to save the girls. The girls were taken to hospital. One has a broken ankle and the others have minor injuries.They were all very happy to be alive ! The chief rescuer says he is surprised no one was seriously hurt. " It was an amazing escape", he points out.

ZADANIE MAM TAKIE: Odpowiedz na pytania do tego tekstu
1. What kind of accident is the report about ?
2. When and where did the accident take place ?
3. Who was involved ?
4. What exactly happened ?
5. How were the people rescued ?
6. Why were the people lucky?

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Odpowiedź :

1.The report is about a car accident.
2.The accident took place yesterday in California in the USA.
3.Four teenage girls.
4.The car went round a sharp corner when it suddenly left the road and fell of the cliff. The car rolled over twice and landed on its tyres at the cliff bottom.
5.By the policeman, fire fighters, paramedics and a lifeboat crew who worked in the dark to save the girls.
6.They were all very happy to be alive.