It was when I six years old. I was in my house with my father and my younger sister. Suddenly somebody zadzwonił do drzwi. It was my other sister. She forgot a book. She took a book and she went to school. through the window I saw on the street a lot of people, beacause accident happend (?) - zdarzył się wypadek. A car run somebody down. Leiter I (dowiedziałam się) that it was my sister. I was very scared and nervous. On the street was big confusion. I began cry. I don't know what I had doing (nie wiedziałam, co miałam robić)
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Odpowiedź :

It HAPPENED WHEN I WAS SIX YEARS OLD. I was in my house with my father and my younger sister. Suddenly somebody CALL TO THE DOORi. It was my other sister. She forgot a book. She took a book and she went to school. I saw on the street a lot of people through the window, beacause accident happend. A car run somebody down. LATER I LEARNED that it was my sister. I was very scared and nervous. On the street was big confusion. I began cry. I DIDN'T know what I WAS doing.

To się stało kiedy miałam 6 lat. Byłam w domu z moim tatą i młodszą siostrą. Nagle ktoś zadzwonił do drzwi. To była moja inna (na pewno dobrze napisałaś to słowo?) siostra. Zapomniała książki. Wzięła książkę i poszła do szkoły. Zobaczyłam na ulicy mnóstwo ludzi przez okno, ponieważ zdarzył się wypadek. Samochód potrącił kogoś. Później dowiedziałam się, że to była moja siostra. Byłam bardzo przestraszona i zdenerwowana. Na ulicy było duże zamieszanie. Zaczęłam płakać. Nie wiedziałam, co robię.
It was when i was six. I was in my house with my father and my younger sister. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. It was my sister. She forgot a book. She took a book and went to school. Through the window I saw on the street a lot of people, because there was an accident. A car hit somebody. Later I have been informated that it was my sister. I was very scared and nervous. There was big confusion on the street. I began crying. I didn't know what I suppose to do.

Przetłumaczone zgodnie z tym co było napisane w nawiasach oraz poprawione błędy.
It happened when I was six years old. I was in my house with my father and my younger sister. Suddenly, somebody the doorbell rang. It was my other sister. She forgot a book. She took a book and went to school. I saw a lot of people on the street through my window, an accident took place. A car ran somebody down. Later I found out that it was my sister. I was terrified (lepiej brzmi) and anxious about her. There was a big chaos on the street. I began to cry. I didn't know what I should do.

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