Odpowiedz na pytania (4-5 zdan)

1. Co zamierzasz robić gdy skończysz szkołę ?
2. Gdzie zamierzasz pracować ?
3. Gdzie masz nadzieje mieszkać ?
4. Czy nadal będziesz mieć kontakt ze swoimi przyjaciólmi ?
5. Gdzie zamierzarz wyjechać w podróż ?

Odpowiedź :

I haven't given this a lot od thought, however I suppose that after finishing school, I will go straight to unversity. I'm not sure in what profession I would like to work, however most propably it would be a firefighter as I am a very coreagous person. Moreover I'm keen on helping people so this job would be definitely satysfying for me. I hope I will live for a few years in Canada on the grounds that this country fascinates me but I guess I would like to come back and live in Poland as I don't want to lose contact with my friends. They are very important in my life and i will do my best to stay in touch with them. As for me I would like to go on a journey to England as It is a hitorical city and there are many popular monuments that i would like to see. What's more I could use english to communicate so I could get to know new people and also I would improve my speeking skills.