Napisz list do kolegi w szpitalu.
W liście:
- podziękuj za list i napisz, że ci przykro z powodu pobytu w szpitalu
- poinformuj, że prześlesz mu ciekawe książki i napisz co może robić w szpitalu żeby się nie nudzić
- napisz o dwóch wydarzeniach, które ostatnio miały miejsce w Twoim życiu
- życz szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia i napisz, ze odwiedzisz go w najbliższym czasie

liczba słów: 120 - 150

Odpowiedź :

Hi Jack!
Thank you for your letter. I'm very sorry that you are in hospital.

I think that being in hospital is so boring. I know how to make the time you spend there, more interseting! First if you have a laptop you can use it, write an e-mail to me, play games or surf the internet. If you don't have a laptop you can buy some tabloids or newspapers. For me it's the best form of spending free time, in your situation in hospital, where all around you are so ill and they are very tired to, for example, speak all the time to you. And the third advice ( the worst :)... do your homework, I think you have lots of backlogs, so do it!

Last days wasn't very special... Everyday I walk to school and after it I do my homework, always the same :)

I wish you a speedy recovery, I'm very unpleasant because of your stay in hospital. In the nearest time I will visit you at the hospital.
