Odpowiedź :
Dear Anne
Hi. How are you? I playing computer games and I surfing the Internet. My sister and brother watching TV. My mother relaxing in garden. Ours dog is sleeping. My dad reading a book.My house is big ang nice. It's on the Hysde street. It's yellow and brown. My room is pink (lub inny kolor). I have 1 rabbit and 3 quinea pig. Oh, sory . I must doing my homework.
Hi. How are you? I playing computer games and I surfing the Internet. My sister and brother watching TV. My mother relaxing in garden. Ours dog is sleeping. My dad reading a book.My house is big ang nice. It's on the Hysde street. It's yellow and brown. My room is pink (lub inny kolor). I have 1 rabbit and 3 quinea pig. Oh, sory . I must doing my homework.
Hej, Jak dawno się nie widziałyśmy. Tyle się zmieniło. Ostatnio zdałam maturę z wyróżnieniem i spełniło się moje marzenie. Przyjęli mnie na studia w Kanadzie na kierunek architektury wnętrz. Już nie mogę się doczekać kiedy tam pojadę. Tyle niesamowitych wrażeń tam przeżyję że aż szkoda słów. Niestety będę musiała opuścić moją kochaną rodzinę. Moja mama zaszła w ciążę i będę miała siostrę. Tyle wrażeń w tak krótkim czasie, mój brat ostatnio wrócił z Meksyku. Ostatnio też czekała mnie przeprowadzka. mamy teraz taki wspaniały duży jednorodzinny dom. Każdy ma oddzielny pokój, nawet dla mojej siostry jest. Ogromny salon kuchnia, jadalnie łazienka. Całkiem inny niż to mieszkanie w bloku. Trochę się rozpisałam, lecz muszę się zacząć pakować bo w środę jedziemy nad nasze polskie morze, razem z rodziną. Będzie mi go brakowało. :) W końcu nie będzie mnie przez pół roku, bo na święta przyjadę na tydzień ap potem na wakacje. Kończę więc, niedługo odezwę sie, tym razem już z Kanady z miasta Toronto. :) cześć.
I po angielsku:
Hey, as we saw not long ago. So much has changed. Recently he graduated with honors and fulfilled my dream. Took me to study in Canada on the direction of interior design. I can not wait when I go there. So many amazing experiences that I survived there until the damage words. Unfortunately, I had to leave my beloved family. My mother became pregnant, and I had a sister. So much experience in such a short time, my brother recently returned from Mexico. More recently, waiting for me moving. we now have such a superb large detached house. Each has a separate room, even my sister is. Huge kitchen, living room, dining room bathroom. Quite different from the flat in the block. Launched a little, but I have to start packing because on Wednesday we go over our Polish sea, together with his family. I will go missing. :) Finally, I will be out for half a year because the holidays come one week after the holiday ap. I conclude, therefore, soon appeal in August, this time from Canada to the City of Toronto. :) Hi.
I po angielsku:
Hey, as we saw not long ago. So much has changed. Recently he graduated with honors and fulfilled my dream. Took me to study in Canada on the direction of interior design. I can not wait when I go there. So many amazing experiences that I survived there until the damage words. Unfortunately, I had to leave my beloved family. My mother became pregnant, and I had a sister. So much experience in such a short time, my brother recently returned from Mexico. More recently, waiting for me moving. we now have such a superb large detached house. Each has a separate room, even my sister is. Huge kitchen, living room, dining room bathroom. Quite different from the flat in the block. Launched a little, but I have to start packing because on Wednesday we go over our Polish sea, together with his family. I will go missing. :) Finally, I will be out for half a year because the holidays come one week after the holiday ap. I conclude, therefore, soon appeal in August, this time from Canada to the City of Toronto. :) Hi.