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"The haunted house"

Long ago time, a family live in a small house in the forest. In this family was mom, dad, daughter and son. Were satisfied from the new house. House looked normal. At someday the family ate dinner, suddenly the light switch out. Thought that the current is turned off but unfortunately the light is not returning for several days. Car was hasn’t petrol and the phone was broken. House was far from the center town and it wasn’t as other people. One day a little Emliy reading a book she looked out the window and saw there an old grandmother which was could. Emily cryed mom. The old woman wanted to take home but she disappeared. Suddenly Emily and her mother famously heard some screams of the worderobe on upstairs. They went there. Thought that they found daddy and son but they weren’t there. Mom opened the wardrobe and they feeled a force. That force push they on the floor. This froce began to destroy the house. Suddenly Emily saw own daddy and brother ..They was freezing and lying on the floor. Everything in round was destroyed and Emily was feeled. Suddenly she saw the old woman the same as in the window. And she begged her for help but she is disappeared again. Emily never don’t believe in ghosts, but now she was sure that it is ghost. She began to cry and scream, she felt a terrible chill. Suddenly the house started to burn but she feeled cold still. Emily began to flee. She cry for help. She didn’t cease to feel cold. Suddenly she fainted. Woke up in a hospital bed. It turned out that none of her family survived. Emily never returned to the house. She feel cold in own heart still and she see the old women a few times a day.

Wyrazów jest chyba trochę więcej.. no ale. a może i nie nie wiem. W każdym bądź razie błędy raczej są, starałam się jak najlepiej, ale z angielskiego jakaś super dobra nie jestem.
Long long ago in the dark house lived a ugly monster. He's got head of the man.
The monster killed everyone whom he came across.
One day he met the small girl. She was beautiful and slim. She's got long blond hair and blue eyes. The monster attacked the girl. Suddenly the women disappeared blinding him with bright lighting. From other stories supposedly the angel of death took her. The monster escaped from the dark house and he disappeared in forest. Most probably he is killing other ...

Dawno dawno temy w ciemnym domy mieszkał brzydki potwór. Miał on głowę człowieka. Potwór zabijał każdego kogo napotkał. Pewnego razu spotkał małą dziewczynkę.Była piękna i szczupła. Miała długie blond włosy i niebieskie oczy. Potwór zaatakował ją. Nagle dziewczyna znikła i oślepiła potwora jasnym światłem. Z opowiadań innych zabrał ją anioł śmierci. Potwór uciekł z ciemnego domu i zniknął w lesie. Pewnie zabija innych...

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