1)Odegraj rozmowę
opwiadasz znajomej /znajomemu z Anglii o swioch wrażeniach po powrocie ze spotkania z osoba którą poznałaś przez internet.
* opisz okolicznosci spotkania
* opisz nowego znajomego
*opowiedz o wrazeniach po tej rozmowie.

2)Odegraj rozmowę
w czasie pobytu w londynie zostałaś zaproszona na profesionalny pokaz mody

dzielisz sie wrazeniami z kolega/ kolezanka ktora nie mogł/ ktora nie mogła z toba pojsc
*opowiedz jak przebiegł pokaz mody
*opisz jakie ubrania prezentowały modelki/ prezentowali modele
*powiedz co najbardziej ci sie podobało.

**to za dwie osobne rozmowy do napisania ;)

Odpowiedź :

A;Hi, How is going ?
B;Cool, I have met the person which I met In internet.
A;Really, How ?
B;I really I don't know, I was in the park and than I started taking some pictures, and than we met.
A; What a case? What was she's name ?
A;and How is she?
B;She's beatuful, young and clever.She has long, blond curly hairs and blue eyes.
A;So she is something
B;Yes she is
A;Did you have some conversation with she ?
A;What about did you taking ?
B;About she, me and school and I think everythink
A;Wow, so now, you have next meeting
B;Yea, of course

A;The fashion show was great, you should go with me.
B;Really ?
B;What was there?
A;Everythink stared from the concert, and after concert was fashion show.
B;What the models showing ?
A;They showing a new collection Sprin 2010
B;And what about is this collection ?
A;It's about the nature
B;Wow, It souds good
A;Yea, and it was good
B;What was the best you think ?
A;Hmm, the best, Ow yea, the best was the second model she was sa beauty
B;hahaha, I love you man, You're so crazy

Prosze bardzo ;P ;*