Te zdania sa błędnie napisane i trzeba je poprawić.

1. I've ever seen that man before.
2. She's already buy the tickets.
3. Have they make a lot of films together.
4. There have been loads of stars at the concert yesterday.
5. Did you ever hear of Wayne Rooney?
6. I've met Johnny Depp just.
7. I don't you should go to the cinema.
8. My mum thinks they ought ban smoking everywhere.
9. She's really stressed up by the photographers.
10. A photographer is been waiting outside her house for hours!

Bardzo proszę o pomoc osoby, które potrafią angielski i chcą pomóc, a nie osoby, które strzelają w swoich odpowiedziach i chcą nabijać sobie tylko punkty.

Odpowiedź :

I have never seen that man before.
She has already bought the tickets.
They have made a lot of films together.
There were loads of stars at the concert yesterday.
Have you ever heard of Wayne Rooney?
I have just met Johnny Depp.
You shouldn't go to the cinema.
My mum thinks they ought to ban smoking everywhere.
She was really stressed up by the photographers.
A photographer has been waiting outside her house for hours.

Zdania na poprawione, nie jestem tylko pewna przedostatniego, wydaje się bez błędu.
1. I've NEVER seen that man before.
2. She's already BOUGHT the tickets.
3. they HAVE MADE a lot of films together.
4. There WERE A LOT OF of stars at the concert yesterday.
5. HAVE you ever HEART of Wayne Rooney?
6. I've JUST met Johnny Depp.
7. I SHOULDN'T go to the cinema WITH YOU. (albo I don't think, you should go to the cienema)
8. My mum thinks they ought TO ban smoking everywhere.
9. She's (CZYLI IS) really stressed up by the photographers. (TO WYDAJE MI SIĘ OK!)
10. A photographer HAS been waiting outside her house for hours!

1. I've never seen that man before.
2. She has already bought the tickets.
3. They have made a lot of films together.
4. There were been loads of stars at the concert yesterday.
5. Have you ever heard of Wayne Rooney?
6. I've just met Johnny Depp.
7. I shouldn't go to the cinema.
8. My mum thinks they ought to ban smoking everywhere.
9. She was really stressed up by the photographers.
10. A photographer has been waiting outside her house for hours!