Wyobraź sobie , że jesteś na letnim obozie i uczysz się uprawiać nową dyscyplinę sportową. Napisz list do Emily , w którym odpowiesz jej na poniższe pytania.

Where are you ? Do you like it there ?
What sport are you learning ?
How many hours a day do you practise ?
Is the weather good ?
Have you got any new friends ?
What do you do in the evenings ?

*Muszę to mieć na jutro.
Please rozwiązcie.

Odpowiedź :

Where are you ? Do you like it there ?
What sport
are you learning ?
How many hours a day do you practise ?
Is the weather good ?
Have you got any new friends ?
What do you do in the evenings ?

Hi, Emily!!!
I living in the small house in soutch Ohio. It's very funny and I like it there. So... perhaps, you don't know what sport I'am learning... skiing! Yeach, it's so intresting!

In a day I practise 2 hours.

The weather is good. It's snowy and it isn't raing-cool!

I met 2 good people- Mike and Nathali, Mike is honest, Nathili is a bit shy, but she's OK.
In the evning I watch YV whitch my friends.

SU soon,

your name