it was almost one o clock when Dorian woke up the next day.He streched lazily and rang a little silver bell calling his butler,Victor.
"good morning ,sir said victor as he pushed openthe bedroom door.
The mail has arrived,sir,said Victor and handed Dorian a pile of envelopes.Dorian glanced through the letters.One of them was from Lord Henry.It had been hand-delivered that morning.It s probably bad news he said to himself.I will open it later.
As soon as Dorian was dressed,he want to the librarywhere Victor had laid out his breakfast on a small round table by the window.It was a lovely summer is day and Dorian was feeling very happy.He drank his tea and took a bite of the delicioys omelette that his cook had prepared.
Then,he ...(-->)
(-->)<-- w tym miejscu należy dopisać zakończenie tej historii
które ma zawierać 50-60 słów

prosze o pomoc bo ta praca jest pilna:)

Odpowiedź :

Then he went to the backyard garden, away from the cares of everyday life. Without noticing the passage of time, watch colorful parrots that live near on the tree. After about 20 minutes Dorian recalls a message, and read it ... bang, blood slowly seeps up from under his clothes, then falls on the cold ground and slowly dying in a pain.


Następnie udał się do przydomowego ogrodu, z dala od trosk życia codziennego. Nie zauważając upływu czasu, ogląda kolorowe papugi, które zamieszkują pobliskie drzewo. Po około 20 minutach Dorianowi przypomina się wiadomość, powoli ją czyta ...trzask, krew powoli sączy się z pod jego ubrania, po czym upada na zimną ziemię i w mękach powoli umiera.

(nie wiedziałem jak zakończyć... no i jakoś tak wyszło xD)