Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami:trousers,note,notebook,,shoes,ba,sit,son,sister,trainers

My......... is my mother's sister.
My brother wears.......... .
I do my homework in my ........... .
My uncle;s child is my......... .
I wear.......... when I do sport.
I've got a pen in my......... .
My best friend has got two brothers and one............. .
I wear ............... on my feet.

prosze o porrawne odpowiedzi;);/

a tak od razu morze i to zadanie;o)

Oblicz sprytnie. 4×(-70)×(-25) ×30=

dziękuje z góry;o)

Odpowiedź :

My aunt is my mother's sister.
My brother wears blouse .
I do my homework in my room .
My uncle;s child is my treasure .
I wear t-shirt when I do sport.
I've got a pen in my pen-box .
My best friend has got two brothers and one sister .
I wear shoes on my feet.

4×(-70)×(-25) ×30= 21000
(-2)×(-40)×(-500)×22= 880000
My aunt is my mother's sister.
My brother wears blouse .
I do my homework in my room .
My uncle;s child is my treasure .
I wear t-shirt when I do sport.
I've got a pen in my pen-box .
My best friend has got two brothers and one sister .
I wear shoes on my feet.

4×(-70)×(-25) ×30= 21000
(-2)×(-40)×(-500)×22= 880000