Jolant king with ĆWICZENIA 170 Uzupełnij zdania wpisując właściwą formę czasowników podanych w nawiasie: 1. Adam (do). did a lot of skiing last winter. 2. My parents (move) v. to London three weeks ago. 3. She (sell). 4. Did you (know), 42 her old house last year. kew his sister? Sprivill 5. Who (open) the window in my room? 6. Your friend didn't (pass).. the exam. 7. They (take)... part in the meeting last Friday. 8. Who (damage)? damaged my computer? 9. Ann didn't (tell)... her mother the mystery. 10. Did your brother (draw) de. the picture himself? 171 Do podanych zdań dopisz pytania ogólne i zdania przeczące: 1. Steven was very ill last month. Q: Won tenem i wi last month N: 2. Mary made a lot of mistakes in her essay.. Q: N: 3. Many years ago my mother could swim very well. Q: N: 4. Ann sat on your glasses. Q: N: 5. Last night we slept in a tent. Q: N: 6. Yesterday Dan woke up at 5 o'clock. Q: N: ​