4 Znajdź i popraw poniższe błędym punkcyjne. Zapisz poprawne
zdania w zeszycie.
1 brak wielkiej litery 3 brak wykrzyknika 5 brak kropki
4 brak apostrofu
2 brak przecinka
I'd like to recommend Twilight. It's the first in a series of films based on
the books by Stephanie Meyer. The film stars Kristen Stewart as Bella and
Robert Pattinson as edward. Bella's parents have separated and she has
chosen to live with her father in a new town. There, she falls in love with
Edward. Edward is handsome clever and sensitive. Then Bella discovers
his dark secret. Hes a vampire. Suddenly Bella is in a secret and dangerous
world. I love this film because the acting is brilliant and the story is
original. Watch it. You won't be disappointed

4 Znajdź I Popraw Poniższe Błędym Punkcyjne Zapisz Poprawne Zdania W Zeszycie 1 Brak Wielkiej Litery 3 Brak Wykrzyknika 5 Brak Kropki 4 Brak Apostrofu 2 Brak Pr class=