TASK 13 (based on Focus Second Edition Workbook 4, Unit 7, p. 109, exercise 8) Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij luki 1-6 w wymianie SMS-owej między Benem i Joe'em zgodnie z treścią tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać od 1 do 4 wyrazów.
We're watching you! Parents constantly worry about their children and their concerns increase once the child is old enough to drive. Teenagers can't wait to have the freedom to go where they want, but should their driving still be monitored when they have passed their driving test? A new app has been developed to allow parents to keep an eye on their teenagers' driving habits and location even when they are not with them. It's linked to a device which is installed in the car and allows parents access to all types of information, from the speed of the car, how often and hard the driver brakes, to how far the car has travelled and where it's been. Most parents see it as a way to reduce accidents, but as you can imagine, not all teens welcome the idea of being followed and are concerned about privacy issues. It's possible they may be talked into having the system, as it can considerably reduce the cost of insurance. However, I would have been appalled had my parents ever suggested anything similar!