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Lyme Regis is a small town on the south-west coast of England. It_(become) a popular holiday resort in the late 18th century. People with money went there to try a new experience; bathing in the sea. They used a bathing machine for this purpose. The machine_(be) a kind of hut or small house on wheels pulled into the water, usually by horses. A person_(can) get changed in the bathing hut and then open a door to get into the sea. The horses_(not pull) the machine far, so the water wasn't deep. For those who_(not be) interested in swimming, there was a different activity to try. Lyme Regis is on the Jurassic Coast, an area with rocks that contain the partsof dinosaurs and other dead animals from the past. Tourists spent many hours on the beach collecting these rocks or fossils. People continue to visit Lyme Regis to collect fossils today.