Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania.
Wpisz w luki (1–3) litery, którymi oznaczono
brakujące zdania (A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny
i spójny tekst. Dwa zdania zostały podane
dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.
Road Safety
To prevent road accidents at night, local authorities usually
install street lights on busy stretches of road. However,
these lights use up a lot of energy, which costs
governments a lot of money. 1
Naturally, it’s not a
good idea to simply allow drivers to drive only using their
headlights, but there is another way to solve this problem.
In April 2014, the government of the Netherlands launched
a project to use glow in the dark road markings on its
highways. A 500 metres stretch of highway was unveiled
just outside the city of Oss that was painted with lines and
markings that could release a green glow at night.
Once it has absorbed enough daylight it can glow for up to
eight hours during the night.
The technology was invented by a Dutch artist named
Daan Roosegaarde. He claims to have got the idea after
studying how jellyfish give off light in the water. According
to Roosegaarde, there are even plans to place a
temperature-sensitive paint mixture on roads.
remains to be seen if Roosegaarde’s invention will be a
success, but already, governments around the world are
showing interest in using this technology on their roads in
the future.
A His invention has changed the way we design roads
B The paint contains a powder that charges by solar
energy during the day.
C This would encourage drivers throughout the country
to drive safely after dark
D Also, of course, they add to the problem of fossil fuel
E This could display warning symbols when the
temperature has dropped below freezing and the
roads may be icy.