Mógłby ktoś pomoc proszę

124.B Wstaw must, may, can lub should w wykropkowanych miejscach.

1. We . . . . . . . be more positive obout unplanned disruptions in our carefully planned life
2. Taking wonderful slimming pils . . . . . . claim the une mploy ment benefit after you register in the Employment Office.
3. If you lose a job, you . . . . . . . claimthe unemployment benefit after you register in the Employ Office.
4. We . . . . . . .remember that the use of timi is irreplaceable.
5. TheBritish drive on the left, whith . . . . . . pose some problems for foreigners.
6. A good diet . . . .be well-ballanced and heatly.
7. Doctors say he . . . . . . . recowed from the operation quite soon .
8. many disabled people feel rejected by society only because they . . . . . not find a suitable occupation.
9. You . . . . . . .realise that there are many people around you who are less fortunate than you are.
10. We . . . .. . be realistic about how much time per week we . . . .really devote to our job
11. It . . .. ... . . .be nearly ten years since I was in Glasgow.
12. The worst thing a person . .. . . . .. . . . do i not to try a thing.
13. I thing you . . . .. . .. .undarstand our alarm on seeing your pictures on the cover of that magazine.

125. B Przetłumacz wyrazy w nawiasach na jezyk angielski.

To be soccesful in job interview, you (powinieneś) . . . . . .. . demonstrate certi qualities. You (musisz) . . . . . . . create a good image. Your clothes (mogą) . . . . . . . gain the respect of teh interviewer, so you (powinieneś) . . . . . . .take care to appear well-groomed. The interviewer (może) ... . . . . . decide from the questions asked whether you are genuinely interested in the yob. You ( musisz) . . . . . . . . .show that you are prepared for the interview with both te information and queistions about the position.