twa bulli
Tekst 1.
The Museum of Childhood in Edinburgh,
When the museum opened in 1955, it was
the first of its kind in the world. It was founded
by a Scotsman, Patrick Murray, who was an
enthusiastic collector of toys and childhood
One day, Murray read a newspaper article
about two 18th century dolls (one of them used to
belong to
to Queen Victoria) in Edinburgh, his home
city. It turned out there was no good place to
display the dolls in Scotland, but Murray managed
to persuade the local politicians to keep the dolls
instead of sending
somewhere in Edinburgh,
them to London. He realised that there was
a need to create a museum dedicated only to the
of childhood - and soon a new museum
was opened. Murray donated a lot of toys from
his private collection to the museum, although he
publicly said that he didn't like children.
In the museum, there are now large collections
of toys and games from almost every country.
Visitors can enjoy looking at dolls, teddies, train
sets, cars and even a puppet theatre. They can
imagine themselves playing all kinds of indoor.
and outdoor games from the past such as hide
and seek or snakes and ladders. Visitors to the
museum can also learn about the games we still
play and those they didn't know existed! They
can also find out how children were brought up,
dressed and educated in the past.
The museum is now collecting toys, books,
children's clothes, photographs and domestic
items from the 1970s as well as any items relating
to childhood during World War II. Please consider
donating any children's items to the museum if
you would like to help it become bigger. At the
present time, the museum is not accepting any
dolls as they already have too many. If you would
like to donate, please contact the museum first to
check if your items are needed for the museum's
1 Patrick Murray created the Museum
of Childhood in Edinburgh because
A there wasn't such a museum there.
B he wanted to keep his collection of toys there.
C the local politicians gave him the idea to do it.
2 In the museum, you cannot
A see items from all over the world.
B learn how to play different games from the past.
C learn about children's school life.
Tekst 2.
a museum for all ages
Current Exhibition:
It's Alive
See mechanical toys from
the last two centuries
When to visit
Monday, Thursday - Saturday: 10 am-5pm
Tuesday and Wednesday: closed
Sunday: 12 pm-5 pm
Lots of wonderful toys, games, books,
and souvenirs. The shop closes at 4:45 pm.
Free entry-donations are welcome
< New message
Cześć Maciek,
Cieszę się, że odwiedzisz mnie w przyszłym
miesiącu. Myślę, że spodoba Ci się tutejsze
Muzeum Zabawek. Na stronie internetowej
muzeum podane są dni i godziny jego otwarcia,
Najlepszym dniem na zwiedzanie muzeum będzie
ponieważ podczas weekendu
pojedziemy nad morze, a od czwartku do soboty
warto wziąć udział w Festiwalu Edynburskim.
Obecnie w muzeum jest interesująca wystawa,
na której można zobaczyć mechaniczne
zabawki. Wejście na nią (5)
zostanie nam trochę więcej pieniędzy na zakup
pamiątek w muzealnym sklepie. Co ciekawe,
muzeum przyjmuje dary do swoich zbiorów.
Wiem, że dostałeś wiele starych zabawek od
babci, a muzeum zbiera obecnie różne zabawki,
z wyjątkiem (6)
Do zobaczenia w przyszłym miesiącu!
3 In the last paragraph, the author
A invites people to donate certain things to
the museum.
B asks visitors for an opinion on its
C explains why the museum collects old
items. Test 1