Odpowiedź :
Reported Speech , czyli mowa zależna ( powtarzanie czyjejś wypowiedzi).
I zasada - zmieniamy czas
II zasada - zmieniamy określenie czasu.
III zasada - zmieniamy zaimki wskazujące
1. He won't be in the office tomorrow.
won't be - Future Simple, zamieniamy na Future in the Past
tomorrow - zamieniamy na the next day
The secretary said that he would be in the office the next day.
2. Jenny has passed her driving test.
has passed - Present Perfect , zamieniamy na Past Perfect.
Jenny's brother said that she ( Jenny) had passed her driving test.
3. Carl might come to the football match this afternoon.
might - czasownik modalny- pozostaje bez zmian
this - zaimek wskazujący , zamieniamy na that
He told me that Carl might come to the football match that afternoon.