Odpowiedź :
Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm writing because I came across the advertisement of your summer camp. I'm interested in making electronic music and I would like to apply for yout course.
I've been an electronic music fan for three years now. It all started with my dad - he's a musician and he has taught me to play guitar and piano. At first, my main interest was rock music, but now I would like to try something different. I would like to know what kind of lessons you offer during the course and what is the price for the whole camp. I would also appreciate some additional information on how to get to the campsite from London - I would very much like to stay with my relatives who live there, as it would be both convenient and cheaper.
To sum up, I would be happy to participate in your summer course. I look forward to hearing back from you.
Best regards,
1. Struktura maila:
- Zwrot do adresata, np. Dear Sir/Madam, (...)
- Wstęp: przywitaj się oraz zaznacz cel swojego maila.
- Rozwinięcie: rozwiń każdy z podpunktów, wymienionych w poleceniu.
- Zakończenie: podsumuj swojego maila.
- Nie zapomnij o pozdrowieniach i podpisie!
2. Przydatne zwroty:
Dear Sir/Madam, ... - Droga/Drogi [imię], ...
I'm writing to you because... - Piszę do Państwa, ponieważ...
First of all, ... - Po pierwsze...
What is more, ... - Co więcej, ...
To sum up, ... - Podsumowując, ...