Napisz essay - an opinion essay
People say dramatically changing your apperance will make it harder to get a job. Give examples that support or question this idea from your own experiance. Why do you think people change their apperance? Give reasons (200-250words).

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Pisanie rozprawki (essay):

It is generally accepted that first impressions are important, and people look at appearance first. The first impression may determine how we will perceive a person. We may try not to judge, but we all do it to some degree. People with an alternative appearance are usually not accepted in society. It goes without saying that dramatically changing our appearance will make it harder to get a job, but I think appearance at work is not the most important thing.

To work with people, for example, as an insurer, employers look for people with a nice and natural appearance. What is more, if someone is attractive, they appear to be more sympathetic and trustworthy. People considered to be pretty, have a greater power of persuasion and easier convince other people to their right.

I would like to point out that beauty at work should not matter - competences and experience count. If the job advertisement mentions what a candidate should look like and how old they should be, this is discrimination. Person's appearance does not indicate competence and character.

To sum it up we should not judge each other's on appearance and decide about employment through the appearance. People often change their look radically to change their lives and they have the right to do so. We should look at man through the eyes of the soul and see inner beauty.

W tym zadaniu należy napisać rozprawkę - esej. Należy opisać czy zgadzasz się lub nie z opinią, czy dramatyczna zmiana wyglądu powoduje problemu ze znalezieniem pracy. Twoja praca musi mieć od 200 do 250 słów.

Na początku należy napisać niedługi wstęp. Można tu wspomnieć o trudnościach z dostaniem pracy z powodu wyglądu i wstępną opinię na ten temat.

Najdłuższą częścią tekstu jest rozwinięcie. Należy tu udowodnić swoją opinię ze wstępu popierając ją odpowiednimi argumentami. Zgodnie z treścią zadania musisz również wspomnieć o znanych ci przykładach. Odpowiedz tu na wszystkie pytania zaznaczone w treści zadania.

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