2. Complete the text with appropriate words.


When you know the zodiac sign of a person, you
can guess what he or she is __ in. It may not always be true but a lot of people of the same star sign often ___ up the same hobbies. For example, Aries (21 March - 19 April) and Gemini (21 May - 20 June)
individuals __ active to passive pastimes and they easily get __ with activities such as reading or
watching TV.
Taurus (20 April - 20 May) and Pisces (19 February - 20 March) individuals, on the other
hand, choose artistic hobbies. They are ___ painting
music, singing or dancing. Virgos (23 August -
22 September) and Capricorns (22 December
-19 January) are __ of more intellectual activities
so they tend to read a lot. ​.

Odpowiedź :

Znaki zodiaku

W tym zadaniu należy uzupełnić tekst odpowiednimi słowami.


When you know the zodiac sign of a person you can guess what he or she is interested in. It may not always be true but a lot of people of the same star sign often take up the same hobbies. For example, Aries (21March-19 April) and Gemini (21 May - 20 June) individuals prefer active to passive pastimes and they easily get bored with activities such as reading or watching TV. Taurus (20 April- 20 May) and Pisces (19 February- 20 March) individuals, on the other hand, choose artistic hobbies. They are into painting, music, singing or dancing. Virgos (23 August-22September) and Capricorns (22 December - 19 January) are fond of more intellectual activities so they tend to read a lot.


interested in - być zainteresowanym

take up - podjąć

prefer - preferować

get bored with - znudzić się czymś

be into something - pasjonować się czymś

be fond of something - bardzo coś lubić

Aby dobrze uzupełnić powyższy tekst trzeba się wykazać znajomością czasowników frazowych i przyimkami. Dokładniej mówiąc trzeba znać z jakimi przyimkami łączy się fond, a z jakimi np. interested. Niestety nie ma na jednej konkretnej zasady i trzeba się tego nauczyć na pamięć.