Ask and answer the questions below. Give as much information as possible. 1. Are you. ?
a) having dinner with your family tonight
b) or is anyone in your family getting married soon
c) doing something with a family member this week
d) visiting a relative this weekend

2. Are you going to. ?
a) have a new nephew or niece soon
b) have a big family get together soon
c) go on holiday with your family this year
d) buy a present for a member of your family this month

3. Do you think. ?
a) the number of people getting divorced will go up or down in the future
b) the birth rate will go up or down in your country
c) anyone in your family will live to be 90 or more
d) you will move away from (or back to) the area where your family live.

Odpowiedź :

Odpowiadanie na pytania

Zadaj i odpowiedz na poniższe pytania. Podaj jak najwięcej informacji.

1. Are you. ?

a) having dinner with your family tonight
   Yes, I am. We are going to thai restaurant tonight.

b) or is anyone in your family getting married soon
  No, neither I nor anyone in my family is getting married soon.

c) doing something with a family member this week
   Yes, we are going to the cinema together. We are going to watch film called Elvis.

d) visiting a relative this weekend
   Yes, I'm visiting my parents.

2. Are you going to. ?

a) have a new nephew or niece soon
   No, I'm not going to have a nephew or a niece soon.

b) have a big family get together soon
    Unfortunately no. We won't have a big family get together until Christams.

c) go on holiday with your family this year
   Yes, we are going together to Spain.

d) buy a present for a member of your family this month
   No, no one in my family has a birthday this month.

3. Do you think. ?

a) the number of people getting divorced will go up or down in the future
Unroftuantely it is possible that the number of divorces will go up in the future.

b) the birth rate will go up or down in your country
  I think that the birth rate will go down in Poland. It is currently one of the biggest problems of our country.

c) anyone in your family will live to be 90 or more
  Hopefully yes.

d) you will move away from (or back to) the area where your family live.
 I like my family town so I don't think I will move out.


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