3) Imagine you have applied for a job as a sports activities organiser at a youth club in the UK. Work in pairs and think of the best answers to the questions in exercise 1. ​.

Odpowiedź :

Rozmowa o pracę - pytania i odpowiedzi

Wydaje mi się, że brakuje części twojego zadania. Wydaje mi się, że może chodzić o te pytania:

  1. Why are you looking for a job? I graduated from a university last July. I have also participated in many courses mastering my skills. I would like to put them into practice. That is why I think I would be a good candidate for this position.
  2. Why should we hire you? Even though I have a little work experience, I can assure you that I've got all the skills needed for this vacancy. Moreover, my university provided me with professional education and essential knowledge.
  3. Do you enjoy working in a team? Yes, I do. I'm cooperative and social. I'd be a good team member. However, sometimes I can be a little overambitious.
  4. What has been your greatest achievement so far? So far my greatest achievement was managing a group of people. We were responsible for organising a sports event. I was the leader of a group of people. Despite being stressful, this project taught me many important things.
  5. How has your school prepared you for work? University that I've attended has a wide range of additional courses to offer. Moreover, the lecturers provided us with both book-learning and know-how. We also took part in a job traineeship.

Odpowiadając na pytania musimy pamiętać o kilku rzeczach:

  • musimy odpowiadać na temat - to bardzo ważne, aby nie zbaczać z tematu i odpowiadać na konkretne pytanie
  • wybieramy odpowiedni czas gramatyczny, często pytanie nakierowuje nas na odpowiedni czas
  • rozwijamy wypowiedź, zazwyczaj jedno zdanie to za mało, często nie mamy pomysłu na rozwinięcie dlatego dobrym przykładem jets podanie przykładu
  • używamy różnych struktur, aby urozmaicić wypowiedź
  • nie bójmy się nowego i zaawansowanego słownictwa, pamiętajmy, że chcemy się ciągle rozwijać