Fill in the gaps and translate the sentences into Polish. The number of words that need to be used is given.

In these, Korean practices still _________________ (two words) of international standards.

There are definitely stages where you start to feel out _____________________ (three words) and you know the next stage is going to be even harder.

He seemed to be trying to _____________________ (two words) the issue as a technicality.

At the very least, you will probably never be released on your _____________________ (two words) again.

Unfortunately, their habit gets ______________________ (three words) them.

I bought this rather against _________________________ (three words), only because I've liked many of her other books.

When we listen we analyse, formulate judgements, ___________________________ (three words) and learn.

Odpowiedź :

  1. In these, Korean practices still fall short of international standards.
  2. There are definitely stages where you start to feel out of your depth and you know the next stage is going to be even harder.
  3. He seemed to be trying to set aside the issue as a technicality.
  4. At the very least, you will probably never be released on your own recognizance again.
  5. Unfortunately, their habit gets the better of them.
  6. I bought this rather against my better judgement, only because I've liked many of her other books.
  7. When we listen we analyse, formulate judgements, commit to memory and learn.

Następnym razem proponuje wrzucić słówka, bo część z tych przykładów nie wynika z kontekstu :).

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