You would like to study abroad and you are applying for university. Write a formal letter with your personal statement. In your text, give your reasons for choosing the subject you would like to study and explain why you feel you would be good at it. Write 200-250 words.​

Odpowiedź :

W tym zadaniu musimy napisać list formalny do uniwersytetu, w którym chcemy się uczyć.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you to apply for the Film Studies at your university.

I believe that I am a suitable candidate for this field because I have a lot of experience creating films. I have had my YouTube channel for five years now, and I have created around 500 videos so far. What is more, I have also been a member of my school film club. There, I have worked on both sides of the camera.

Moreover, I have always been interested in film. I enjoy learning about this subject. My favorite time in the film history is the 1930s, the heyday of Hollywood and my favorite director is Christopher Nolan. I dream of creating blockbusters myself and I believe that studying with you can help me achieve that.

I want to study film due to the fact that I would like to become a film director in the future. I would like to learn more about this subject and see how real professionals work. I see myself in this industry and I believe that studying at your university would be extremely beneficial for me.

I hope that you will accept my application. I am looking forward to your answer.

Kind regards,


Jak napisać list formalny po angielsku?

  1. Dokładnie przeczytaj polecenie i zastanów się, co chcesz napisać w każdym z punktów.
  2. Rozwiń każdy z punktów w przynajmniej dwóch zdaniach.
  3. Postaraj się użyć ciekawego słownictwa.
  4. Używam formalnych zwrotów i unikaj skrótów.
  5. Zakończ list pozdrowieniami.