Odpowiedź :
Znajdź wyraz pasujący do obu zdań
1. package
The airport security found a suspicious-looking package lying near the check-in: it was wrapped in newspaper and was ticking from inside.
Going on package-holiday toured out to be a real nightmare for Watson when they had to pay extra for the flight, transfer from the airport and lunches.
- package - paczka
- package-holiday - wakacje zorganizowane, wyjazd zorganizowany (wakacyjny)
2. put
We will teach you how to make fire, fish, find your way in the forest and put up a tent.
Don't forget to put your seat in an upright position when the plane takes odd and lands.
- put up a tent - rozbijać namiot, rozbić namiot, rozstawić namiot
- put your seat in an upright position - ustawić fotel w pozycji pionowej
3. gap
If you want to go backpacking across Asia with me, take your gap year and let's travel together! College can wait!
Whenever I hear the 'Mind the gap' warning phrase in the underground, I know I'm back in London.
- gap year - rok przerwy przed pójściem na studia
- Mind the gap! - uwaga na szczelinę (komunikat w londyńskim metrze)
4. withdrew (withdraw)
The army withdrew from the valley when attacked by the enemy.
I have to pay by card because I withdrew too little money from the cash point.
- withdraw - wycofywać (żołnierzy z jakiegoś miejsca)
- withdraw money - wypłacać, wybierać pieniądze z konta lub bankomatu
5. single
Although she raised her kids as a single mother, they had everything under the sun.
I'm travelling alone so I need a single room.
- single mother - samotna matka, matka samotnie wychowująca dziecko
- single room - pokój jednoosobowy
6. headed
They headed for Spain but made a stopover in France.
I turned back and headed home – that was the only place where I wanted to be then.
- head for - kierować się, zmierzać do
- head home - iść do domu/wracać do domu
7. go
If you are fed up with staying at the hotel, rent a jeep and go off the beaten track to explore the wildlife.
My customs clearance did not go smoothly as my passport was not valid.
- go off the beaten track - zejść z utartego szlaku
- go smoothly - przebiegać bez zakłóceń, pójść gładko
8. get
Next time you get stuck in rush hour, remember that an average driver spends 54 hours a year in a traffic jam.
Are you going to get a lift to the station? It will save you 20 minutes.
- get stuck - utknąć
- get a lift - podwieźć
9. break
When your car happens to break down in the middle of nowhere, pull off the side of the road to a safe spot.
If you drive with snow on the roof or splash pedestrians, you break traffic rules and regulations.
- break down - popsuć się, zepsuć się
- break traffic rules - złamać przepisy ruchu drogowego
10. way
The accident was his fault: he didn't give way to the vehicle coming from his right.
Black Forest cake is absolutely delicious! By the way, this is my sister's speciality!
- give way - ustępować pierwszeństwa (na drodze)
- by the way - jakby co, swoją drogą, przy okazji, nawiasem mówiąc