Internetowy magazyn poprosił cię abyś opowiedział o problemach rodzinnych nastolatków. Zredaguj wpis na bloga, w którym :
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- wyrazisz opinie na temat tego, jak ważne jest życie rodzinne

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Przykładowy wpis na bloga o problemach rodzinnych nastolatków:


I am writing to tell you about my family.

I live with my parents and my younger sister.

Our problem is very common nowadays. We don't really spend time together anymore. My sister and I have a lot of extracurricular activities like dance classes and English classes. Our parents sometimes do overtime to afford all of these. We meet in the evening but we usually have so much homework that when we finish we are too exhausted to talk with each other.

I think that it is vital to have a family activity at least once a day to maintain a healthy relationship. Dinner and a chat are excellent.

What problems do you face and how do you deal with them? Let me know in the comments.


extracurricular activities - zajęcia dodatkowe

(to) do overtime - pracować na nadgodziny

exhausted - wykończony ze zmęczenia

vital - istotne, niezbędne

to maintain a healthy relationship - żyć w dobrych stosunkach ze sobą nawzajem

to face (a problem) - napotkać (problem)

to deal (with a problem) - radzić sobie (z problemem)