10 Work individually. Prepare a survey on the breakfast eating habits of Polish teenagers in the past. 1 Interview two adults: one from the generation of your parents, and one from the generation of your grandparents. 2 Ask them these questions: What did you eat and drink for breakfast when you were a child? Did you eat breakfast every day? Do you think your breakfast was healthy? What kind of snacks did you take to school? 3 Write the answers in your notebook and compare them to your own breakfast eating habits, 4 Report your conclusions to the rest of the class. ​.

Odpowiedź :

W tym zadaniu musimy przygotować ankietę na temat nawyków żywieniowych nastolatków w przeszłości.

Musimy zacząć od zadania następujących pytań dwóm dorosłym (jednemu w wieku rodziców, a jednemu w wieku dziadków):

  1. What did you eat and drink for breakfast when you were a child? - Co jadłeś i piłeś na śniadanie, kiedy byłeś dzieckiem?
  2. Did you eat breakfast every day? - Czy jadłeś śniadanie codziennie?
  3. Do you think your breakfast was healthy? - Czy myślisz, że Twoje śniadanie było zdrowe?
  4. What kind of snacks did you take to school? - Jakie przekąski brałeś do szkoły?

Następnie musimy napisać kilka zdań na temat wyników naszej ankiety. Możemy napisać na przykład:

My mum said that she always ate breakfast. She usually had cereal, and she took a sandwich to school. She claims that her breakfast was always healthy. My grandpa, however, usually ate some eggs from his farm. His breakfast was very healthy! He didn't take any snacks at school.


healthy - zdrowy

snack - przekąska

cereal - płatki śniadaniowe

farm - farma

breakfast - śniadanie

habit - nawyk