Odpowiedź :
1. Do you think you eat healthy?
(You can give only one answer.)
a) Yes
b) No
2. How many meals do you eat daily?
(You can give only one answer.)
a) 1-2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
e) More
3. Do you eat anything in between the main meals?
(You can give only one answer.)
a) Yes
b) Sometimes
c) No
4. What do you most often choose as a snack between meals?
(You can select several answers.)
a) Sweets
b) Meat snacks
c) Fast food
d) Vegetables
e) Dairy products (e.g. yoghurt, cream cheese)
f) Bread
g) Fruits
h) Other products
5. How long after waking up do you usually eat breakfast?
(You can give only one answer.)
a) immediately
b) within an hour
c) up to 3 hours
d) more than 3 hours
e) I don't eat breakfast
6. How many hours before falling asleep do you usually eat your last meal?
7. In what circumstances do you usually eat?
(You can select several answers.)
a) during work/classes
b) with friends
c) alone
d) in a hurry
e) restaurant/bar
f) at home
g) during breaks
h) in peace
8. List 3 products that form the basis of your everyday diet:
9. Have you ever been on a diet. If so, what kind?:
10. Please write your age, height, weight and your gender:
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłem :)
Miłego dnia!!! :D