3. Uzupełnij zdania, stosując mowę zależną oraz wykorzystując podkreślone fragmenty tekstu. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. Do you like surfing the internet? I have to admit th I love being online. I even write my own blog about fashion. Many people comment on my posts, whic encourages me to keep on taking good photos and sharing them with my followers. I even joined a gro of fashion lovers in the USA yesterday. It means Iwi have a chance to improve my English! Still, I have to limit how much time I spend online, because I don't want to get addicted to it. 1. Fiona asked the internet. 2. She said that she even about fashion. 3. She said many people posts. 4. She told us shell of fashion lovers in the USA the day before. 5. She said she to improve her English there . o 15pkt .​

3 Uzupełnij Zdania Stosując Mowę Zależną Oraz Wykorzystując Podkreślone Fragmenty Tekstu Zapisz Odpowiedzi W Zeszycie Do You Like Surfing The Internet I Have To class=