Odpowiedź :
Imagine you are a famous person. Describe your daily routine. USE THE CAUSATIVE.
I have my breakfast served in bed. Then I have my bath prepared by a maid. Next, my driver takes me to the spa, and I have my back massaged. I usually also have my hair done at the hairdresser's and my makeup at the makeup artist's. Later in the day, I do some work. In the evening, I have my dinner cooked by a chef and my bed prepared by my maid.
Causative have używamy, gdy chcemy powiedzieć, że coś jest robione dla nas, lub nam. Zazwyczaj wtedy wynajmujemy kogoś do zrobienia czegoś, a nie robimy tego sami.
Zdania z causative have tworzymy w następujący sposób:
podmiot + have + object + czasownik w trzeciej formie + reszta zdania
W praktyce wygląda to następująco:
I had my hair cut.
He has his lawn mowed by the kids in the neighbourhood.