1. hill
2 forest
3. river
4. grass
5 cliff
6. scale
7. mountain
8. mountains
1. more interesting
2. more dangerous
3. highest
4. most expensive
5. most important
1. the funniest
2. better
3. more exciting
4. the youngest
5. the most difficult
6. more intelligent
1. Susie is happier than Emma.
2. Susie is the happiest.
3. Emma is younger than Kate.
4. Susie is the youngest.
druga strona
zad 2
1. year
2. quieter and prettier
3. small cottage
4. little island
5. picnic
7. most beautiful
1 Country side is quieter than the town.
2 Holiday village is prettier than Mark's town.
3. Mark's home is bigger than the village.
4. The roads in the town are busier whan the roads in the village.
c b a c b c b