Hi Alan,
I'd like to invite you for Christmas. I know it's almost May and nobody thinks about winter time but my teacher. So I'm asking you to stay with us for a couple of days, and I'm assuring you my parents are into it.
In Poland we usually spend this time with our families, and it's very special time when we decorate Christmas tree, prepare special dishes. I'm not a cook, so I can't tell you the names, as I don't even know them in my language. During Christmas Eve it's beautiful, we sing carols, exchange Christmas greetings and share a special wafer, which I guess is a Polish tradition.
Last Christmas my cousin was playing with candles near the Christmas tree and upset a candle. Within seconds, all the tree was in flames. Some were a bit panicked but we quickly put it out.
Knowing how great time we have then, I hope you'll come. Please, write to me to arrange all the details.
Bye for now,