Zapisałeś/Zapisałaś się do szkoły tańca. W e-mailu do kolegi/koleżanki z Anglii:
-przedstaw swojego instruktora
-opisz wybrane studio tańca
-napisz o zabawnym wydarzeniu podczas pierwszych zajęć

Odpowiedź :



Not long ago I enrolled in a dance school. Our instructor is very nice and sympathetic, but firm and does not allow himself to be ignored. The dance studio I chose focuses on modern dance. We have classes twice a week on Wednesday and Friday. In the first class, the instructor left the room for a moment because his phone rang, and some boy started fooling around and pretending to be an instructor, and he walked into the classroom and saw it. Everyone laughed that at the other end of town you could hear.

See you soon.


Mam nadzieje, że pomogłam :)